Eh llamado este post "shirt & sporty" porque es un look algo deportivo pero usando una camisa, nose porque tengo cierto desapego a las camisetas deportivas, solo me gustan cierto tipo de camisetas; y cuando se trata de verme un poco deportiva no lo logro con mucho exito; por eso opte por usar una camisa.
Bueno estas fueron unas fotos que me tomo un buen amigo fotografo, con sede en Monterrey, andaba visitando tierras sonorenses, Aqui su pagina de Facebook.
Sin mas por el momento, les agradesco por sus visitas y comentarios :)
I called this post "shirt & sporty" because it is something sporty look but wearing a shirt, I do not know why I dont like to much sports shirts, I only like certain kinds of shirts; and when it comes to me Im not so good with sporting things.
Well these are some photos that a good friend photograph took me, based in Monterrey he visiting Sonora, Here he's Facebook page.
No more for now, thank you for your visits and comments :)
Well these are some photos that a good friend photograph took me, based in Monterrey he visiting Sonora, Here he's Facebook page.
No more for now, thank you for your visits and comments :)

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