Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Inspiration Board 2

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I have so many pictures of outfits, and things i like, so i want to share it on the blog, its why these section names it "Inspiration Board" where i express a little bit of everything i like. Also i have my tumblr page, where i have more pictures! Enter Here and you will find some more... Hope you Like!

Tengo muchas imagenes de atuendos, y cosas que me gustan, asi que quiero compratirlas en el blog, es por eso que hise esta seccion de "Inspiration Board" en donde expreso un poco de todo lo que me gusta. Tambien tengo mi pagina de Tumblr, donde tengo muchas mas imagenes! Entra Aqui y podras encontrarlas.... Espero te Gusten!


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Credits: http://www.jestemkasia.com/, http://www.freepeople.com/, http://www.karinainfashionland.com/,  http://lovely-pepa.com/

More Inspiration Pictures at: http://favoriteone.tumblr.com/


  1. These pictures are really inspiring and I am so in love with the outfit on the second and tenth picture! Wow!

    Best Jasmin

  2. thank you jasmin, i love inpiration pictures.. and i have many more on my tumblr. You're from Germany right? My grandmother was also, I'm glad you visit my blog!


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